Living in China as an American Expat
If you've been floundering in your career, moving to China is a way to jumpstart your career and land a job that will support you in your long-term goals of starting a family and building a meaningful career. If you've been floundering in your career, moving to China is a way to jumpstart your career and land a job that will support you in your long-term goals
When I first moved to China, I was well aware that, as a foreigner, I may face some hostility from the locals. What I wasn't prepared for, however, was the amount of hostility that I would experience after I arrived in China. It made no difference where I worked; I was treated like trash, whether I was employed by a large global corporation or a little firm that had never previously employed a foreigner. I was continually put down and treated like a member of a lower class; in fact, some individuals went to the extreme of refusing to look me in the eye to demonstrate how much disdain they had for me. People were also continuously making remarks about how "foreigners don't know how to work" and "that we simply arrive and then go back home," both of which were unpleasant and demonstrated a degree of ignorance that I had never seen before.
When I was younger, I had a serious need for Chinese cuisine. I wanted to sample some of the city's finest cuisine, since I am originally from Seattle, and I was not disappointed. I was curious in the source of my food, its composition, and the methods used in its production on the farm. Eating locally was a way for me to feel more connected to the people who raised my food as well as the food itself.
If you live and work in China, it is imperative that you purchase a high-quality air purifier for both your home and your place of business. There are a lot of different kinds of air purifiers, but the electrostatic air purifiers that are of great quality are the easiest to use. The separation of particles from the air is accomplished by these purifiers by the application of an electrostatic field.
Although I was aware of squat toilets, I had no idea that I shouldn't flush my toilet paper into the toilet. You'll find a sign that says "flush toilet" next to every commode, but remember that it's simply a recommendation. Should I be flushing more often or less frequently? That is most likely a question that is best answered by a plumber.
Even if there are a great many things that I wish I had known before coming to China, I do believe that the excitement of finding out new things on a daily basis has turned my life into an adventure here. My most important piece of advice for you is to have an open mind when you're traveling around China. Because China is so vast and complicated, one of the most enjoyable parts of traveling there is learning about new facets of life and culture.
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