Teaching Chinese Kids English
Teaching English to Chinese students may be difficult, but nothing beats the satisfaction of seeing a student's progress under your direction. Chinese children and teenagers will not be frustrated or perplexed while learning English thanks to your supportive guidance and specialist knowledge. You'll be able to give them a boost of self-esteem and show them how far they've come.
Teaching Children and Teenagers
You'll be in charge of making English lessons fun and interesting for children ages 3 to 18. One of your duties will be to make sure that the pre-planned lessons that have been supplied for you are being followed through on. You'll be able to tailor your classes to your students' specific needs, including their English proficiency as well as their age group. In addition, you'll be expected to put the knowledge you get from the supplied training to good use in order to maximize the effectiveness of your English courses for children and teenagers.
Have completed a bachelor's degree in any discipline;
A TEFL certificate of 120 hours (can be obtained after contract)
Able to pass a background check without incident
The ability to work and reside in China for at least a year is required
Teaching English in China requires a great deal of passion and dedication.
Benefits and Payroll
8,000 RMB to 24,000 RMB per month. In addition to housing and travel allowances, visa assistance, and insurance, there are further incentives available. Because the cost of living in China is so cheap, expats may easily enjoy a high standard of living.
Chinese Children's Education Tips
Consider teaching your students with hands-on activities:
Moving about is a favorite pastime for children. Whether your students are exuberant or reserved, using activity-based lesson ideas can help you engage them in meaningful interactions with one other, you, and the language they're learning.
Do not hesitate to tailor the programs for each class:
Pre-planned lessons may work well for one class, but may not be as effective as they may be for another. In order to best serve your students, you have the ability to tailor the plan as you see fit in order to meet their needs.
You may make advantage of the integrated multi-media possibilities that are going to be offered to you, as technology is exciting for kids and instructors. It's a terrific technique to maintain students' attention and help them remember what they're learning.
Educators will get pre-work training in order to ensure that they adhere to the school's curriculum and unique teaching approaches.
There is no difficulty if I don't speak Chinese.
In any case, it'll make your life a lot simpler while you're in China. Teaching English in China doesn't need fluency in Mandarin.
How many hours a week do I teach?
The maximum number of hours worked each week is 40, which includes both classroom and office time (applied to some positions depending on school structure).
Varying schools have different schedules, based on their nature and location. A Monday-to-Friday schedule is required for employment at public schools; at institutions of higher learning, you'll be required to work weekends and nights as well as two weekdays of vacation.
Most schools will give training and assistance to ensure that you can manage the diverse experiences and difficulties that come with varying class sizes.
Do you have any information on how the visa application process works?
For teachers to legally teach in China, they must have a work visa. The whole procedure might take up to two months.
When it comes time for you to apply for a student visa, the university will be there to help you. Your company will pay the fees of obtaining a work visa in China. Teacher visa processing offices in their countries impose a fee to cover the cost of notarizing/authenticating paperwork and taking passport photographs.
How long am I obligated to serve?
Most institutions have a 12-month contract as a norm (some public schools offer a 10-month contract). A typical tenure for a teacher is between two and three years.
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