Job Interviews in China
Going through an interview isn't something every individual enjoys having to do. Fear of failure and emotions of inadequacy are all part of the experience. But sadly, we all have to do it at some time in order to obtain our desired job. When applying for a job in China, there are a few things to bear in mind.
The first step is to put your mind at ease.
Make sure that your body does not give away your nervousness during an interview by shaking or sweating palms. Relax, but to the best of your abilities. When you're worried, your instinct is to speak too quickly, so try to calm yourself down. Always remember to think before you speak, rather than start replying instantly and having your head play catch-up with your tongue, and instead take a few seconds to think about what you're going to say. The interviewer will be impressed if you come up with properly crafted responses and talk slowly and composedly.
Keep in mind William Carlos Williams' quote, "It is not what you say that counts but the method in which you say it; herein is the secret of the ages,"
There are two types of business cards:
Business cards in China are quite significant. Make a point of exchanging business cards at the start of the interview, and always give and receive cards with both hands. In the event that there are many interviewers, carry a sufficient number of business cards to share with each of them. This not only gives you their contact information, but it also gives the impression that you are familiar with Chinese culture.
Thirdly, non-verbal communication.
What you don't say is one of the most overlooked components of an interview. Before you even open your lips, your body will be saying something. As a result, pay attention to your posture. Enthusiasm is contagious, so don't be afraid to show it when you enter the room. Interviewers are more inclined to choose a candidate who is enthusiastic and confident if there are two or more equally competent applicants.
How would you respond to this?
Over-preparation has the unfortunate side effect of making the usual error of failing to answer the question that was asked of you. Preparation necessitates the preparation of replies to specific queries. Keep this in mind: if the question presented is close to the one you prepared but not the exact same, you should consider whether or not you answered the correct question. The interviewer will be able to see right away that you aren't a good improvisor and that you aren't good under pressure.
Don't be scared to say that you don't know anything. During an interview, if you attempt to make up a response to anything that the interviewer has asked, they will catch on. It's also a sign of humility to admit that you don't know the solution. In order to get around that, you may claim that you don't know but that you're eager to find out.
5) Using examples is essential.
In the event that you're asked a question concerning your previous work experience, utilize examples from your previous positions to respond. This will show the employer that you have worked in unique scenarios and can demonstrate your ability to solve issues, as well as your ability to establish connections in your brain. For example, a challenging situation you experienced and how you addressed it, or a difficult colleague and how you managed the relationship without confrontation might be prepared ahead of time.
6) Inquire about the subject matter.
Asking inquiries is a good idea. In order to get the job, you need to seem like you're interviewing the company. Keep your mind continually engaged with what they're saying and what questions you might ask. This will demonstrate an eagerness to study and a desire to expand one's horizons. When you are given the opportunity to ask questions at the conclusion of the interview, take advantage of the opportunity.
While conducting your research about the company before to the interview, you should also carry a pen and paper to take notes during the interview so that you can remember what to ask.
How would you describe me?
In China, there are certain inquiries that westerners would consider overly intimate, yet in China, these queries are commonplace. These include inquiries about your past pay, marital status, family, and where you came from, among other things. When it comes to Chinese interviews, there truly isn't a question that's too personal.
8) Ending with a bang is essential.
You have already formed your first, second, and third impressions on the interviewer by the time the interview is through. Be careful to leave a lasting impression as you sense the interview is coming to a close. You have no excuses for being worried or tense now that you've become used to the surroundings. If the interviewer hasn't questioned you about it yet, try to close the interview by mentioning one of your strengths.
Ask the interviewer what the next step is at the end of the interview. What's the next step? In the meanwhile, I'd like to hear from you. Thank the individual for their time and concern by looking them directly in the eyes.
To move the interview forward, after you've returned home, send a thank-you email to the people whose contact information you took down during the interview and expect to hear from them soon.
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