How to Ace a Job Interview With a Chinese Company
The expanding Chinese economy has opened up a wealth of employment possibilities for both Chinese and foreigners. With its large population and growing economy, China is attracting many individuals who are looking to start or further their careers. The so-called "state job allocation for college graduates" in China no longer exists due to recent changes in the country's education system and other sectors. Therefore, going to interviews is a crucial step in the process of looking for a new job.
How to succeed in a job interview with a Chinese firm is a major issue for every foreigner applying for work in China.
Now, picture yourself at an interview with a serious-faced Chinese official. The most important thing to keep in mind is that while responding to any question, you should keep in mind certain features of Chinese culture. In other respects, such as attire and behavior, western culture serves as a good guide.
Case in Point: Introducing Yourself by Saying "Tell Us About Yourself"
As a standard opener, this is a question that many interviewers will ask. Knowing this can help you respond appropriately if you are asked this question in China, where humility is prized. If you want to make a favorable impression, don't attempt to oversell your talents or brag about your "huge connections" while "listing" all the great things about you, whether they pertain to your personal life or your professional career. The Chinese will see this not as assurance but as shallowness.
Why I Left My Last Job
Question: "Why did you decide to leave (or not to join) your prior employer?"
The Chinese are known to be diligent workers who are always on the lookout for ways to better themselves professionally. The solution "not enough options for self-improvement and job advancement" is plausible. You should avoid responses like "What I get is not commensurate to what I've done for the firm" because of the cultural sensitivities of certain Chinese individuals. Also, blaming your work environment or coworkers for your departure is not a great idea in China.
Workplace Associates Illustration "What kind of individuals do you want to work with?"
Try to redirect the interviewer's focus from "what sort of people" to "who are you" while responding to this question. In other words, you should give the impression to the interviewer that you are seeking for methods to adapt to a new setting, rather than demanding a certain kind of environment. Humility is crucial yet again.
How to Handle Conflict
An example might be, "What would you do if you and your boss can't come to an agreement?"
There is a fine line between respect and resentment when it comes to subordination in Chinese businesses. Thus, if you work for a Chinese firm, it is best not to seem overly ambitious. Answering "yes" to this question during a job interview shows that you are prepared to accept authority and follow procedures set by your boss, at least when such decisions do not include matters of fundamental importance. The fact that you want to talk to your boss about this as a matter of principle ought to be brought up, however.
A Dearth of Real-World Experience
As an example, "You don't have any relevant job experience in this industry, why should we hire you?"
Those who have just earned their degree and are in the market for full-time employment should expect to be asked this. The secret to success is honesty. The Chinese place a premium on honesty and loyalty. Demonstrate to your potential employer your enthusiasm for the job you're applying for, as well as your eagerness to develop new skills. That is to say, one's outlook is more significant than one's actual level of expertise.
Budgetary Needs and Hopes
In this case, what type of compensation would be an appropriate example?
To avoid giving the impression that you can't make up your mind, try to answer this question without too much hesitation. However, Chinese people are quite realistic, so they will anticipate a wage range that is fair and commensurate with your degree of education, your years of experience, and the duties of the position you are seeking. Therefore, it is recommended that you do some market research in your industry.
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