Applying for a Teaching Job in China 2023
If you are prepared to take the plunge and pursue a career teaching English in China, the following information will provide you with the most effective ways to move forward with your application.
Send in Your Application Right Away to Work Abroad
A sizable number of educational facilities, particularly larger education conglomerates, have their own human resources departments and recruitment teams. A direct application is when you submit your application directly to the school, such as when you do so on the school's website or by sending an email to the school. It's a common way to apply, but it's most effective if you can get a recommendation from someone who works in the Chinese educational system, like a teacher or someone who works in human resources at a school.
Getting a Job as a Teacher in China Through a Recruiter
Working with a recruiter is your best bet if you are just starting out in the field of education and are looking for a job teaching English. Recruiters are individuals who consider your previous experiences in addition to your qualifications in order to select the ideal educational institution for you. And the most exciting thing is... They don't have to pay.
It is important to keep in mind, however, that the school pays recruiters to assist in finding qualified teachers and that the money is only given to you after you have arrived in China. As a result of this, they will be more than happy to assist you with your application, assist you in obtaining a visa, or answer any questions that you may have.
The fact that recruiters do not work for you should be the first and foremost thing you keep in mind when dealing with them. Because it is their job to find teachers for schools, it is not unheard of to come across a recruiter who encourages you to interview at a school that is not necessarily the one that is the best fit for you. They will present you with a few choices, but it is your responsibility to conduct any additional research.
Apply through one of the many Teach Abroad programs available.
The most common way for non-native English speakers to find work teaching in China is through a teaching exchange program.
The application process is what differentiates a teach abroad program from a recruiter as the primary difference between the two. In most cases, you will first need to submit an application to a program director before you will be accepted. After that, they will designate a school for you to attend for the duration of your stay.
However, the salaries that are offered through teaching abroad programs are significantly lower than those that are offered through direct applications or through the use of a recruiter. On the bright side, these programs typically provide perks such as a free TEFL certification, orientation meetings, a large and diverse community, Chinese language classes, and other opportunities.
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