Work Culture in Beijing
Many Chinese cities, like Beijing, have a large population of expatriates, and hence employers are acquainted with the work culture in other nations. Even while Chinese individuals typically work from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and often put in additional hours, it isn't out of the question that your firm permits you to work in accordance with your country's norms.
It's also usual to dine outdoors and wait for your work day to begin by gauging the pulse of the crowd. Your decision whether or not to bring your own lunch to work is entirely up to you, but keep in mind that most workers of the same firm are close friends and regularly eat out or order takeout during their lunch hour.
Although Mandarin is the city's official language, English is the language of commerce. In order to get a job in Beijing, you'll need to be proficient in both English and Mandarin.
It's important to have cultural awareness, patience, a sense of humor, and a strong work ethic in order to be successful!
Internship placement programs provide the chance to meet other young professionals who are interning or working in Beijing, as well as offering support and guidance. Dedicated websites for professional and social networking as well as event marketing are also available.
Beijing's Employment and Labor Laws
Interns on a F business visa are not allowed to be paid in China, according to the country's rules and regulations. You should be aware that in order to work legally in China and get a salary, you'll need a Z employment visa, which is far more difficult to obtain and for which the applicant must satisfy stringent requirements.
Things to Keep in Your Mind
Taking a cab is a typical mode of transportation in Beijing. Beijing does, however, have both legal and illicit cabs. These "fake cabs" are usually identifiable by their dark hue and red dashboard light. If you want to be sure you're getting a fair deal, always use licensed taxis.
The cost of a doctor's appointment may rapidly add up if you're taking medicine, so carry enough with you.
Summers may be blisteringly hot (sometimes even too hot!) and winters can be frigid to downright freezing due to Siberian winds. Sandstorms are also common in April.
When you first arrive at your new Beijing residence, go for a stroll around to see where the nearest grocery shop, pharmacy, bank, bus stations, and police station are.
When you arrive in Beijing, don't forget to register at the police station!
Carry a copy of your Chinese address with you at all times.
Before you arrive in Beijing, get a handbook to China or Beijing. In this manner, you'll be able to plan out your first few weeks in the city and have a sense of what to see and do.
Be mindful of the order of names while conversing with Chinese people. It is proper to address Zhao Anmei as Mrs. Zhao.
There is a lot of counterfeit money in China, so always check the money you receive back from merchants and taxi drivers. The quickest way to tell whether a bank bill is "fake money" is to feel the braille dots in the bottom left corner of the bill's front side. It's a phony bill if there are no raised dots.
To stay abreast of what's going on in China, read English-language publications like China Daily and The World of Chinese to stay up to date on current events.
Avoid discussions about politics or religion with locals.
Try the Peking duck, hot pot, street kebabs, dumplings, and steamed buns with stuffing, all of which can be found in the north of China.
Get a phone and a SIM card when you arrive in Beijing. You may visit China Mobile or China Unicom, for instance. For 200-300 RMB, you may purchase a low-cost phone with a card.
Even if they stare at you oddly, smile and be nice. There is a good chance that they are merely intrigued to see someone from a different country! Practice with strangers on the bus or metro when you have a few phrases down. There is a good chance that they will be pleased to see you attempting to communicate in Mandarin!
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