What’s the average salary for a teacher in China?
So, you're considering a career in education in China? Great! Thousands of teaching jobs exist in China for young and uncommitted graduates, who may use the money they earn to fund a spectacular travel journey or even to help pay off that dreaded college debt. All you need is an undergraduate degree, native-level English language skills, and a TEFL certificate to be successful in this field.
Watch this video to learn more about what it takes to become an English teacher in China.
And for experienced, licensed instructors who are considering a move abroad, China provides a plethora of well-paying teaching positions as well as several prospects for advancement on both a professional and personal level.
But before you begin your search for a teaching position in another country, you'll want to know how much money you can expect to earn while working overseas.
What is the average salary of a Chinese teacher?
What is the quick answer? It all depends! The income offered by an international school in Shanghai will be different than the salary you may anticipate to get as an English teacher at a language school in Shenzhen.
After-school language training centers in China may pay between $1,500 and 2,900 USD per month for those with a bachelor's degree as well as a TEFL certificate but no previous teaching experience.
You may expect to earn anywhere from $2,500 to $4,700 USD per month teaching in an international school in China if you're an experienced, licensed teacher who specializes in your subject area.
As an experienced ESL teacher, you may expect to earn anywhere from $1,000 to 1,600 USD per month teaching as little as 25 hours per week inside the Chinese public school system if you have previous expertise.
Working as an English teacher at a university in China is another alternative that you have available to you; for around 20 hours of teaching per week, you can expect to make up to $1,700 USD a month on average.
Your wage as a teacher in China is determined by the location in which you work.
Do you want to know how much it actually pays to teach English in China? In the first place, your income will differ depending on where in this great nation you choose to teach. It is one of the most prevalent financial blunders made by prospective instructors in China is the mistaken belief that earning more money automatically results in living in a more wealthy environment.
In general, ESL and qualified instructors who work in more remote locations are compensated at the lower end of the appropriate wage levels indicated above. However, the low cost of living in the area will compensate for this, allowing you to maintain a level of living comparable to that enjoyed by teachers earning top salaries in places like as Beijing, Guangdong, and Shanghai, for example.
Your remuneration as a foreign teacher in China is determined by your credentials.
In addition to your credentials and experience, your teaching salary in China is heavily influenced by the market.
Compared to an unskilled ESL teacher working at a language school, if you're teaching at an international school (whether it's English or another subject area), you should expect to make more money. As an added bonus, your salary will most certainly be far more than the salary you would get as a teacher in your nation.
In order to be considered for such positions, you'll need a teaching license or certificate, as well as a few years of classroom experience under your belt. An advanced degree, such as a master's degree in education, may also significantly increase your earning potential.
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