Top Cities to Teach English in China
The vast majority of people who come to China to teach English do so in order to get a global cultural perspective while living in one of the most beautiful sites on the earth, such as the Great Wall of China. If you can make a positive contribution to the progress of your career while simultaneously earning a little bit of money to put away, it seems to be a win-win situation for everyone. In China's ESL programs, the need for English teachers continues to grow at a fast rate, with certain cities seeing more demand than others. Let's have a look at some of the incredible attractions that some of these incredible cities have to offer.
Beijing: China's capital city has been inhabited for more than 3,000 years, and it is the world's most populous metropolis.
The nation has a population of 21.7 million people (basically 2.5 times bigger than NYC)
The language that is being utilized is Mandarin.
Depending on the position, salaries might vary from 8,400 to 32,700 RMB (about $1,200 to $4,700 USD) each month.
ESL occupations include business English, private academies, and public schools, to name a few possibilities.
Shanghai's International Economy, Finance, Trade, Shipping, and Science and Technology Innovation Center (IEFTIC) (IEFTIC).
The nation has a population of 24 million people (basically three New York cities)
The languages that are spoken are Mandarin Chinese and Shanghainese.
Depending on the position, salaries might vary from 8,400 to 32,700 RMB (about $1,200 to $4,700 USD) each month.
The majority of ESL jobs are in teaching English to adults, however teaching English to business professionals and teaching English to children are also prevalent.
Third, Guangzhou is a large international business city that also serves as a key transportation hub for the area.
The nation has a population of 14.4 million people.
The languages that are spoken are Cantonese and Mandarin Chinese.
On average, you'll earn between 8,000 and 23,000 RBM per month ($1,200 and $3,300 USD per month).
ESL employment may be found in a variety of settings, including business English, private academies, and public schools.
Fourth, Shenzhen is China's special economic zone, the country's national economic center city, and an international metropolis all rolled into a single package.
The population of the country is 12.5 million people (bigger than the entire country of Belgium)
The languages that are spoken are Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese.
On average, you'll earn between 8,000 and 23,000 RBM per month ($1,200 and $3,300 USD per month).
Business English, private academies, kindergartens, and public schools are just a few of the ESL occupations that are accessible to students.
Please visit the following link for more detailed information on the places where you may teach English as a second language: Teaching English as a Second Language Cities in the United States English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Teaching Locations in China's Top 8 Cities
I think that the most majority of teachers have a clear idea of the kind of professions they want to pursue as well as the places in which they would want to work and live after they graduate.
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