Student Jobs and Internship in China
One of the most important steps a university student can take is to complete an internship during their time in school. One of the best ways to ensure you're getting the most out of your academic experience is to complete (or even better, complete more than one) internship before graduating. An internship is typically any job that is not your day job. If you get a job during school that's not related to your major, or even if its related but not directly related to your field of study, don't worry. It's still an internship. It's just not something that you're going to be paid for.
Is it still possible to get a high-quality internship even while you are studying in China on a student visa? Yes! It is entirely possible to have an internship while a full-time student at a Chinese university and to get a high-quality internship. The most important thing to consider is to work with a Chinese company. Do not apply for an internship at a Chinese company, and do not apply to an internship at a Chinese company.
The application process for internships in China is no joke. And there are a lot of things to know, so we have decided to create a concise guide that will walk you through every step of finding an internship in China.
If you’re studying at a Chinese university as a full-time student, you’ll most likely be in China studying on a student X visa.
This visa is for anyone who comes to China for study, advanced studies, or an internship for a period of more than six months.
Internships are a perfectly legal activity as long as the applicant meets the requirements below.
The visa types:
When you apply for an F, the embassy will consider some of the following factors: how much time you will be staying in China; why you are going to China; what you will be doing while you are there; what you hope to accomplish while
M Visa is a document issued to those who are planning to travel to China for commercial and trade activities.
L-visas (Tourist) are strictly for tourism, and the information you have shared with me makes me suspect that you are here to perform an internship.
X-visas (Student), especially long-term ones, are the most appropriate visas for internships.
S-visas are issued specifically to employees who are participating in a specific internship and that must occur in a defined high-tech zone.
It is perfectly legal in the United States for interns to be paid a full salary provided they meet the following conditions: taxes must be paid and an internship visa must be obtained.
It is necessary to speak to a reputable third-party visa agent and your company before proceeding with this option.
A large company may also offer you a stipend for your food and transportation costs. Unlike a regular salary, this stipend on average is between 50-100 RMB a day and is not a huge income.
The final amount you will be paid as an intern is, of course, determined by the company and your own negotiations to determine the final amount.
Internships are great opportunities for you to keep in mind while also making money off of them. Consider the following benefits to interning!
Let the right job find you!
Global job opportunities for Chinese companies

Worldwide Talent Acquisition