Is it hard to get a teaching job in China?
China provides excellent teaching pay, a comprehensive package of benefits, and a large selection of teaching opportunities in a variety of locales. As a result, it has risen to become one of the most sought-after teaching locations in the world. More than one-third of the Chinese population (a total of more than 300 million individuals!) participates in English lessons. The government is just unable to hire enough ESL instructors at a rapid enough pace. There has never been a better or more straightforward moment to get a fantastic teaching position with a recognized school.
Is it really that simple after all? No, not at all! Finding a teaching position in China may seem to be straightforward. To the contrary, securing an excellent teaching position at a respected institution is a whole other story.
Is it possible for me to work as an English teacher in China?
Ah, there it is: the million-dollar question. Is it possible to teach English in China if you don't have all the necessary qualifications?
Let's have a look...
To legally teach in China, you must have the following requirements:
You must be a natural English speaker from one of seven nations — with certain restrictions – in order to be considered.
China prefers that its English instructors come from one of seven English-speaking countries: the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, and the United States, to name a few examples. However, there are several provinces where nations from the Caribbean are exempt from the rule, and they are known as exceptions. If you are from the Caribbean, you will need to inquire for further information.
Whatever else China is known for, it is a nation of exceptions. Depending on your qualifications and experience, you may not be able to teach English, but you may be eligible to teach another topic if you are a licensed teacher with at least two years' experience in a specialized field.
Be between the ages of 18 and 55 (for females) or 60 and 70 (for males) (male)
The retirement ages in China are at the top end of the age spectrum, and the government, regrettably, is not too enthusiastic about granting exemptions.
Have a Bachelor's Degree in any subject from an accredited institution.
Fortunately, your bachelor's degree does not have to be in education or English in order to qualify. You may teach English as a second language in China if you hold a bachelor's degree from a recognized institution of higher learning. You will be required to have your degree, as well as any supporting documentation, validated. We'll walk you through the procedure in the visa application section further down on this page.
Have TEFL certifications that are recognized and authorized
A 120-hour TEFL certificate is sufficient to allow you to work as a foreign language teacher in China. Alternatively, you might demonstrate two years of teaching experience. The CELTA course offered by the University of Cambridge is one of the most prestigious in the world, but it is also one of the most costly.
If you do not currently have a TEFL certification, there are several cheap online programs available to you. If you want to work as an English teacher, possessing this qualification will boost your chances of landing a well-paying position. Make certain that the course you pick is approved and recognized in China before enrolling or continuing your studies.
If you do not have TEFL certification, you must have at least two years of teaching experience.
As previously stated, if you do not have a TEFL certification, you will be required to have two years of teaching experience. Without a doubt, having the necessary credentials as well as the necessary experience will improve your chances of landing that fantastic teaching position.
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