English Teacher China Jobs 2022
Some people are born with a silver spoon called the English language. It's possible to make money while traveling even if you don't have a single skill that is approved by the government or a job board. It's good news if you were born in the U.S. or Australia, because you have already passed phase 1. If you can speak English well and aren't from one of these countries, you can still live the nomad dream, too! A good place to start is my guide to teaching English abroad. Today, my friend and English teacher in China, Joe, will show you how to teach English in China. In this video, he takes over and gives you all the information you need to become a nomadic English teacher.
7 Reasons Why Doing Jobs Teaching English In China Is Smart
As a person who speaks English every day, this is a skill that can be traded for money.
If you have a long-term relationship with someone, they will always be a part of your life.
You can help people achieve their dreams: Priceless.
Discover worlds you didn't know were there: It's not only possible to do good and productive things while bringing home slabs of bacon, but you can also do it with the world's wildest places as your backdrop!
As a person, you will grow: When you become a teacher, you will have to deal with some stressful situations. Being able to adapt and deal with discomfort is one of the best ways to show how strong you are. This sense of accomplishment is great!
It was a good experience: Showing that you have the personality to go and teach in a different country and succeed is a huge boost to your CV. You will learn a lot of important skills from this experience.
As long as you're careful with your money and don't spend too much, you can see your bank account grow.
I want to teach English in China. How can I find jobs?
Take a look at some of the newsletters and job boards for TEFL and sign up. Everywhere in the world, people are looking for people who speak English well. Make it easy for employers to find you by uploading your CV and setting up a profile on the site. Employers are always looking for new teachers. A powerful tool is the internet, which means that you can connect with anyone from any place. I got a job in China while I was sitting in a hostel in La Paz, Bolivia. However, some of the best moneymakers come from small businesses and businesses run by people.
It also helps to make friends with the locals or learn a little of the language there. A foreigner who shows that he or she is interested in their culture is a big hit with the people who live there. If your new friend wants to learn English, you're off to a great start. Also, the idea of karma works in your favor as well. When you start, show that you're real by giving free help. Word of mouth will play a role and your good deeds will be paid for.
I used to live next door to an old Chinese couple who were very old. They were very old. It used to be that their six-year-old grandson would come to stay with them. He would be curious to see if I'd come over and talk to him. As this went on, it went from a quick conversation in the corridor and learning his name to having dinner with his grandparents. I'll help "Tang Tang" with his English for an hour a week during dinner. As a thank you, I was asked to sit with the family once a week and let them cook for me.
When Tang made a lot of progress in his English class, Tang's parents were very happy. All of his friends' parents have been told about me by the people who told them about me. I now teach an hour-long English class to four 7-year-olds at my house every week. They each pay 100RMB (£10). £40 for an hour of my time. That's great!
If you live in a big city, there's a good chance there will be a local magazine or website. Find cash-in-hand jobs with these tips. Many people will want to hire private English teachers. When you're in a position where you can get more students, use it! Make sure you don't tell your current boss that you're hiring students from their school, though. This can cause a fight. Be smart and be careful.
It's also a good idea to put links on business cards to your website or social media pages. If you appear to be professional, you are more likely to get new students to come to your class. A social media page with good reviews and a short explanation can be a very powerful tool. It can help you get more clients. Offline, make posters with a big smiling picture of yourself, a clear phone number, and try to say "English teacher" in the language where you live. Ask permission if you don't know where to put them. Then try your luck! You don't know until you do it.
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