China packing list
Are you concerned about what to bring with you to China? I've got you. This is the one and only packing list for China you'll ever need, including everything from the bare necessities to the items that are better left behind. I will explain why I bring each item, and I will highlight items that are optional depending on the time of year and the circumstance. In addition, I assure you that I will not include any links to pointless products, such as pricey bags or pointless items sold on This post is full with helpful information and suggestions for you to consider. You may download this China packing list as a PDF on your phone or computer if you are the kind of person who loves to cross items off a list as they are completed. Just check the boxes next to the things you currently have and the things you still need.
Passport A valid passport is clearly required to enter China. However, once you are within the country, it also serves as your national identification card.
You are required by law to present your passport in order to check into any accommodation, and you will also need to do so in order to purchase tickets for long-distance train travel.
Chinese visa
When you go to China, it is possible that you may be required to get a visa. It is dependent upon where you want to travel, how long you intend to remain, and the nation from which you originate. You can be eligible for something known as "Visa Free Transit" if your journey is extremely short (meaning it lasts for fewer than six days). If you are not, however, you will be required to collect certain documents and pay a visa fee, the amount of which once again is determined on where you are from.
Both debit and credit cards are accepted.
I always make sure to pack at least one of each item, in addition to stowing away a spare credit card in my carry-on in the event that I am unfortunate enough to misplace either my wallet or my phone.
Reconsider carrying solely credit cards if that's what you were planning on doing. These are only valid for use in China for purchases of a significant amount. When making modest purchases at locations such as street food sellers, bring cash with you (as I will explain later).
Staying longer?
Simply add more of each item based on the length of your trip if your stay is going to be longer than 10 days. Simply take into account how often you want to be doing the laundry. For instance, my sister does not like doing any kind of laundry while she is away on vacation. If she is going to be gone for 15 days, she will bring 15 sets of underpants with her. Personally, I find it more convenient to pack fewer outfits (and do the laundry while I'm away) so that I have more space in my bag for buying trinkets and presents.
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