China Culture Business
Expats in China regularly encounter cultural differences in the workplace. It can range from something as minor as taking a nap during the workday to something as serious as being forced to work unpaid overtime. Chinese corporate culture differs from that of other countries in numerous ways.
Excessive overtime
The typical workday in the West consists of nine to five, Monday through Friday. They show up and clock out at precisely the right times, and overtime is practically unheard of. Employees who are requested to work overtime get fair compensation or are given the option to decline the request.
Things are thought of very differently in China. Most people have set work hours, beginning anywhere from 7 to 10 am and ending anytime between 6 and 10 pm, Monday through Friday (or even later). In certain fields, working on Saturdays is the norm, and Sunday shifts are also possible in some situations. The "996" system in China mandates that workers put in nine hours a day, six days a week.
In China, working overtime is expected and often paid for. Workers may or may not be reimbursed for working overtime, but there is still pressure to complete tasks in the quickest amount of time feasible. While most Chinese workers, particularly those in the tech and startup sectors, see overtime as inevitable, some foreigners find this aspect of the Chinese workplace culture to be difficult to adapt to.
However, it's important to note that most Chinese employees get significant yearly bonuses. In larger corporations, where overtime is widespread, bonuses may amount to as much as eight months' income. These bonuses might be thought of as extra money for an unpaid year of overtime.
Share your thoughts with the higher-ups
A worker's first encounter with management, regardless of location, may be intimidating. This kind of communication, however, usually goes down two quite distinct tracks in the West and China.
Good managers in the West are expected to provide an atmosphere where employees feel safe providing honest criticism and discussing their thoughts on the company's direction. Those who can think creatively and come up with answers are highly prized.
When voicing concerns to superiors in China, workers need to tread carefully. Because of the importance placed on maintaining one's "face," it is recommended that suggestions for management be made one-on-one rather than in a group setting. Staff members who are able to follow directions and get things done without making a fuss are invaluable.
The Chinese method may promote team spirit since everyone works toward a same goal, but it can also lead to difficulties. Employees who are too timid to raise concerns with their supervisor may end up putting undue stress on coworkers, other departments, or even customers.
Team building
Team building exercises are seldom stressed in the West. The few businesses that do generally just take their employees out for lunch or on a short outing throughout the day. Team building exercises are often held during working hours, and participation is generally voluntary.
Nonetheless, in Chinese corporate culture, teamwork is valued far more highly. It would be unusual to find an organization in China that didn't engage in some kind of team building activity, whether it a day at a training camp, an evening at KTV, or a long weekend seeing a different city.
In China, team building exercises might go for many days. As an employee, you're obligated to show there, no matter how much time it takes away from your day.
These outings provide an opportunity to get to know your coworkers better while also experiencing a new place. It's essentially a cost-free vacation since your expenses will be paid.
It's only natural for coworkers to bond when they put in so much time together. The lines between work and personal life in China tend to blur more than in the West, where many people want to retain strict boundaries. Although some visitors from other countries may feel uneasy about it at first, they usually come to like it after a while.
Foreigners who are new to China or who are living alone may find comfort in the family-style culture of Chinese businesses. Coworkers have the potential to become fast friends, providing company over the holidays and for casual after-work outings.
Your coworkers in China can ease your transition into Chinese life by providing helpful suggestions like where to eat and what to see. You may be certain that your coworkers will do anything they can to assist you if any problems arise during your time here, whether they pertain to your landlord, visa, or anything else. Your guanxi will last forever if you arrange things up like this.
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