Au Pair Jobs in China
There are specific conditions that must be satisfied by the au pairs as well as the host families in each country that is a part of the Au Pair program. These requirements might vary from country to country. Find out all you need to know about the au pair program that is offered in China right here in the article that you are now reading.
The sum of all of the hours that were spent working. Au pairs in China are not permitted to work more than 30 hours per week as a general rule of thumb; nevertheless, this figure may vary quite a bit from one family to the next and from one au pair to the next. In China, au pairs are not permitted to work more than 30 hours per week. Because these working hours include the supply of babysitting services, it is essential that every one of these particulars be agreed upon prior to the beginning of the visit.
Since you will be required to take part in Chinese language lessons as one of the requirements for the program, it is very necessary for you to make the necessary preparations in advance.
As part of their total compensation, au pairs get a predetermined amount of money on a monthly basis. This is known as the "au pair allowance." Every single month, the total compensation might vary anywhere from 700 to 2,000 yuan in value.
It is the responsibility of the participant to discuss with their family whether or not they wish to be compensated for additional hours worked, or whether or not those hours should be added to their future vacation or free time allowed. If they do not wish to be compensated for additional hours worked, those hours should be added to their future vacation or free time allowed.
time off with pay in addition to holidays off with pay
The participant is expected to provide their families with at least one week's notice in advance of utilizing any of the 12 vacation days that are allocated to them throughout their stay of one year. These vacation days are spread out over the course of their stay. In addition to the holiday in issue, the participant will be given time off for all of the officially recognized holidays in addition to the holiday that is the subject of the current discussion.
During the period that the au pair spends living with the host family, the family may make the decision to take a trip and may ask the au pair to accompany them on the trip. We would want to advise having a discussion concerning the au pair's status at this time, namely whether or not they would be regarded to be on vacation during this time period.
a course in one or more languages spoken in other countries
There are more native speakers of Mandarin than any other language on the earth, with 1.1 billion people able to converse fluently in the language. Mandarin is the official language of China. One of the requirements for admission into the program is that you must have previously taken and finished a Chinese language course with a passing grade. It is the responsibility of the participant to coordinate their schedules in order to guarantee that they are present for the language lesson. Additionally, it is the responsibility of the host family as well as the au pair to discuss the daily and weekly activities.
It is common practice for the family serving as the host to be the one responsible for making the first payment of any and all expenditures related with the exchange. If the au pair finally chooses to transfer courses, they will be responsible for paying any additional expenses that are incurred as a consequence of this choice. This responsibility includes paying for any textbooks that may be required for the new classes.
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