Alipay for Foreigners
When it comes to using our cellphones to manage our money, we in China have a lot of leeway.
You're a foreigner who wants to participate in the fun! Because of its "Tour Pass" function, Alipay may be utilized in many parts of China by both Chinese citizens and foreigners alike.
Here's all you need to know about Alipay as a foreigner if you want to go cashless and enjoy the convenience of an app.
In what ways may you use Alipay, and in what places?
There are many advantages to using Alipay as a payment method for foreigners, but what are the drawbacks? The answer is yes, in fact! You may choose from the following options (and much more).
Money may be sent to family members and friends.
To begin with, Alipay enables you to transfer money to loved ones in China. For them to receive and utilize as needed, you'll be able to do so swiftly and securely inside the app. It's a favorite for dividing bills, and it's well-used.
If you're staying in China, practically all of your utility bills may be paid straight via Alipay, from your landlord to your hotel vendor. It's wonderful to be able to get so much information from a single screen on your phone!
Download the Alipay app: from China (or even inside China, if you so choose), you may purchase airline tickets to ensure that you have access to all relevant information, including pricing details, payment options, and payment confirmation.D
One of the finest features of Alipay is that, unlike other Western smartphone applications, it is not limited to a single location. All around China, it may be used to pay for anything from your hotel or hostel to a meal at a restaurant. If you're looking for a contemporary convenience, you'll definitely find it in China's smaller cities, since this is frequently utilized by Chinese citizens.
Steps for Using Alipay
It's wonderful, isn't it? If you'd want to take advantage of the ease and stress-free experience of being cashless, we'd like to show you how to set up Alipay.
You'll be doing it in no time at all. You just need a bank card, a valid passport or visa, and an international phone number to make this work for you. Here are the next stages, when you've obtained those:
First, download the Alipay app:
For the best experience, download Alipay from the international version of the app store, ensuring sure your device is up to date with software.
Enter your phone number: This is the international phone number you received when you purchased your phone and number.
Choose the international version:
Specify that you want Alipay in its international form (rather than using the native version to Chinese users)
To get started as a foreigner, choose "Tour Pass" from the drop-down menu. This will lead you to an area specifically created to assist you.
This is the last step, so determine how much money you'd want to put into the app.
To complete the process, you'll need to submit your passport or visa details (this helps make sure that everyone is valid and using Alipay with no hassles or swindles).
Last but not least, you must input your bank card information and double-check it to ensure that it matches the billing information from your home country.
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